Funeral arrangements in Wallasey


At John W Griffith & Son Ltd, our team provides bespoke funeral arrangements conducted at our Wallasey premises, your own home, or for families not resident in the Wirral, by telephone, email or post. We will help to ensure that all your wishes are carried out.

Contact our friendly team

Our team

We serve the Wirral, get in touch with us now

0151 638 5528
0151 638 5563
0151 638 5528 | 0151 638 5563
Mob: 07866 310 373 (Out of Hours On Call Service)
Mob: 07866 310 373
Fax: 0151 639 3376
Opening Hours: Mon -Fri: 8am - 5pm, Sat: 10am - 2pm
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